Sunday, January 30, 2011

Marketing Mix at an Interview

If the person can be considered the product in a marketing mix then there is going to be three other categories that you also have to consider as well.  They are the four P’s of marketing: place, promotion and price.  Each one of these categories has a lot of sub-categories to consider and that describe how the product is going to be presented. 
                Product:  If you are considering yourself as the product then what are you bringing to the table?  What kind of quality are you?  What are your features and options?  These are all examples of what is going to make up you as a product.  If you are looking for a job and going to an interview you are going to want a high quality, lots of features, nice style, and the company hiring you would want returns. 
                Place:  With place there isn’t as many things that you would need to have like in the product category but they are still important.  A good example is how far you live from the job you’re applying for.  This is biggest concern for the company because they may need you to get the job immediately from a reason and if you live far away this could hinder your chances.  As well as what form of transportation do you have to get to the job? 
                Promotion:  What are you going to do to advertise yourself to the company?  What is going to make all you special features and skills jump out to the interviewer and make them want to have you in their company?  These things can include advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and PR.  You need to find a way to make yourself better than anyone else. 
                Price:  What are you going to cost the company?  You don’t want to come into the company asking for an extreme amount of money unless you and the company are convinced that you are worth every penny.  You want to be qualified for the job and at a reasonable price for the company to bring you aboard.
                If you take all these categories into effect and do them well and efficient then there shouldn’t be a problem getting the job you are looking for.  There are many other ways to use the four P’s in real life but an interview is probably the most relevant. 

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